rear-end accident lawyer New Mexico

Rear-end collisions are a common type of car accident and happen every day. In most cases, New Mexico law presumes the driver of the rear car is at fault. But this presumption does not always hold. If you sustain an injury in a rear-end collision, you should consult an experienced rear-end accident lawyer. 

Our team of New Mexico rear-end accident lawyers at Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. have experience handling complex injury claims throughout New Mexico and Texas.

We have the resources necessary to handle every aspect of your vehicle accident case. We aim to ensure you receive full compensation for your medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and other accident-related expenses. Contact us for a free consultation with an accident lawyer today.

What to Do If You Were Rear-Ended

Car accidents happen in an instant, and the aftermath can be confusing but it is important to know what to do if you were rear-ended. The first and most important step after any accident is to ensure the health of those involved by seeking medical attention. Once medical professionals address injuries, it is essential to preserve your legal rights. 

  • Call the police for assistance at the scene of the crash;
  • Remain at the location, if medically possible;
  • Exchange information with other parties when you are able;
  • Never admit fault or apologize for the accident;
  • Take photos and videos of the scene, vehicles, and injuries, if able; and
  • Get a medical examination immediately, even if you do not feel your injuries are severe.

Again, even if you do not feel your injuries are serious, always get a medical evaluation after an accident. Some injuries may have a delayed onset and can take days or weeks to appear. An insurance company will go to work immediately investigating a crash and attempting to deny liability for your injuries.

The best way to protect yourself is by consulting with a rear-end accident lawyer in New Mexico as soon as possible after the crash. Your rear-end accident lawyer can help you with all the steps to recover from an accident and initiate a claim.

Most Common Car Accident Injuries in New Mexico

Vehicle accidents in New Mexico often result in severe injuries for drivers and passengers. Our attorneys routinely assist clients who have sustained the following injuries: 

  • Whiplash,
  • Traumatic brain injuries,
  • Arm and wrist injuries, 
  • Spinal cord injuries,
  • Back strains and sprains,
  • Other severe back or neck injuries,
  • Fractures,
  • Slipped or herniated discs,
  • Burns, 
  • Lacerations, and
  • Significant scarring or disfigurement. 

In addition to addressing physical injuries, we work with clients who have sustained emotional and psychological trauma due to their vehicle accident in New Mexico. We understand that clients need compensation for their injuries, including the visible traumatic ones and the internal emotional injuries. 


Discuss your case with us during a free consultation.

What Causes Most Rear-End Accidents?

What causes most rear-end accidents? Rear-end accidents occur when drivers follow too closely or engage in distracted driving. Rear-end accidents frequently occur and result in whiplash, back and spine injuries, and facial cuts and bruises. 

Just as there are several types of vehicle accidents in New Mexico, there are also various reasons they occur. According to the New Mexico Department of Transportation, the top contributing factors include:

  • Driver inattention,
  • Failure to yield the right of way, and
  • Following too closely.

When looking at fatal crashes, the top contributing factors include:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
  • Driver inattention, and
  • Excessive speed.

Regardless of the cause of the accident, you should consult with an experienced accident lawyer at Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. before talking to the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

How Much Is a Rear-End Accident Worth?

How much is a rear-end accident worth? The value of a rear-end accident is highly variable. Claim values vary on a case-by-case basis. It is only possible to estimate the worth of your rear-end accident after thoroughly evaluating the facts of your case. However, we fight for your right to recover the full value of your losses.

How Long Does It Take to Settle a Rear-End Accident?

How long does it take to settle a rear-end accident? The time it takes to settle a claim depends on several variables. Before getting an initial offer, several steps must occur.

Treatment Is Completed or at Maximum Medical Improvement

When treatment concludes, or the patient is at maximum medical improvement (MMI), a case can move toward settlement. MMI means that while the victim may need additional treatment, the client is not likely to improve. The timeline for this step is anywhere from one day to years. 

All the Client’s Medical Bills and Records Received

The extent of injuries influences the length of time it takes to settle a case. All medical bills and any doctor’s reports supply necessary evidence to calculate your medical expenses and any future disability. The time it takes to collect these records depends on the volume of medical records. The range is between days and months. 

The Time It Takes to Get a Response to a Demand Package

After the victim sends a settlement demand to the insurance company outlining their damages, it takes the insurance company time to evaluate the claim. Getting a response to the demand package takes between 15 and 90 days.

How Long Does it Take to Settle a rear-end Accident Injury Claim?

How long does it take to settle a rear-end accident claim? New Mexico’s personal injury statute of limitations requires an accident victim to file their claim against the negligent driver within three years from when an injury occurs.

Additionally, car accident victims must know that insurance companies have strict deadlines. Failing to report a car accident to an insurance company within the time limit could result in a claim denial. 

What Types of Compensation Can You Receive in a New Mexico Car Accident Case?

Car accident victims in New Mexico may be entitled to compensation in a successful personal injury claim. Your Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. attorneys will work diligently to secure economic and noneconomic compensation for our clients. 

This can include compensation for the following: 

  • Property damage expenses,
  • Medical expenses,
  • Lost income,
  • Pain and suffering, and 
  • Loss of quality of life.

The total amount of compensation available depends on the circumstances of each case. This includes the severity of the accident, the injury victim’s recovery time, the level of pain and suffering, and whether there was any shared fault for the incident.

Contact an Experienced New Mexico Rear-End Accident Attorney

At Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C., we fight aggressively to protect the legal rights and financial interests of injury victims throughout New Mexico. If you or somebody you love has sustained an injury in a car accident caused by another driver’s negligence, let us help. We serve clients throughout New Mexico and Texas.

We are confident in our ability to thoroughly investigate every claim that we take and ensure that clients are treated fairly by all parties. Our law firm has a reputation for success. When you need a New Mexico car accident lawyer, contact us online or call for a free consultation.