| Read Time: 3 minutes | Truck Accidents

¿Qué es un freno Jake?

¿Has oído a un camión semirremolque hacer ruidos ensordecedores al reducir la velocidad? Si es así, es probable que se trate del Jake Brake, lo que significa que el conductor está utilizando el motor del camión para reducir la velocidad. El ruido de un Jake Brake puede ser aterrador para cualquiera que esté cerca. Debido a que son tan ruidosos, algunos lugares han prohibido a los conductores de camiones el uso de los Jake Brakes en ciertas áreas....

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Frequently Asked Questions

Importes de indemnización por fractura de cadera

Las lesiones de cadera son algunas de las más dolorosas y graves que se pueden sufrir en un accidente. Impiden la movilidad e incluso acciones sencillas como dormir pueden resultar imposibles. Las fracturas de cadera suelen requerir intervención quirúrgica, seguida de un período de recuperación significativo. Si su fractura de cadera se debe a una negligencia, tiene derecho a emprender acciones legales contra el responsable...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Car Accidents

Lesiones comunes después de un choque por detrás

A menudo nos preguntan cuáles son las lesiones comunes después de ser chocado por detrás. Si usted se lesionó recientemente mientras estaba detenido después de ser chocado por detrás, debe hablar con un abogado para discutir sus lesiones. Nuestra firma ofrece consultas gratuitas y escuchará su historia sobre sus lesiones por colisión trasera. Mientras que los accidentes de coche ocurren en una variedad de maneras, la mayoría ocurren cuando...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | In the News

Lapel camera shows aftermath of crash involving APD chief

Albuquerque police have released hours of lapel camera footage capturing Chief Harold Medina running a red light and crashing into another car while fleeing gunfire. The videos depict various responses to the incident: officers checking on the crash victim, Todd Perchert, a group collecting video evidence of the alleged shooter, and Chief Medina directing officers to witnesses. Perchert, recounting...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | In the News

Article: Bodycam video of Albuquerque police chief after crash

The Albuquerque Police Department has released partial body camera footage of a vehicle crash involving Police Chief Harold Medina, which occurred on the same day as a nearby shooting incident on February 17. Chief Medina provided his account of the crash shortly after it happened. The department has initiated an investigation into the incident. Todd Perchert, 55, who was...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | In the News

Albuquerque police chief collides with man driving mustang near Fair West

On February 17, Albuquerque Police Department Chief Harold Medina was involved in a collision with Todd Perchert while driving an unmarked APD black truck. The incident occurred during a gunfire situation after Chief Medina had pulled over two men in a fight near Central Ave SE and Alvarado Dr NE. Perchert, driving a gold 1966 Ford Mustang, was struck...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | In the News

Article: Man sues ABQ after being hit by APD Chief running red light

Albuquerque’s police chief, Harold Medina, crashed into Todd Perchert’s classic Mustang while allegedly fleeing gunfire on East Central. Perchert suffered severe injuries including a broken collarbone, shoulder, eight ribs, and a collapsed lung, requiring a week in the hospital with painkillers and surgery. Medina claimed he was responding to gunfire near a homeless encampment. Perchert’s lawsuit seeks accountability, not...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | In the News

Man involved in crash with APD Chief speaks out

Todd Perchert, who was hit by Albuquerque Police Chief Harold Medina in February, has spoken up about the incident. Perchert was driving to meet a car club when Chief Medina, en route to a news conference in an unmarked police vehicle, hit his Mustang. Medina explained he had circled back to investigate a homeless camp he and his wife...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | In the News

Shocking moment Albuquerque police chief in a huge pick-up truck slams into the side of driver after running red light – as victim shows off his horrific injuries

Todd Perchert, 55, suffered severe injuries in a car crash involving Albuquerque Police Chief Harold Medina, who ran a red light while purportedly escaping gunfire. The collision left Perchert with broken bones, a collapsed lung, and extensive lacerations. Despite undergoing surgery and a lengthy hospital stay, Perchert continues to endure significant pain and faces a prolonged recovery. Medina and...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | In the News

Article: Man T-boned by Albuquerque police chief speaks out about life-altering injuries

Todd Perchert was driving his vintage Mustang down Route 66 when Albuquerque’s police chief, Harold Medina, in an unmarked police truck, crashed into him at Central and Alvarado. Perchert suffered life-altering injuries: broken collarbone, shoulder blade, eight ribs, and a collapsed lung. Titanium plates were needed in a seven-hour surgery. The city’s response has been criticized; the Percherts seek...

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